Every other day we hear that the sky is falling and the stock market is going to crash! Well if you say that long enough, you’ll probably be right! The downside of staying out of the market though, is that …
Iron Condor Definition: An iron condor consists of simultaneously selling a bull put spread and a bear call spread at the same time. The trade results in net credit and is an overall neutral position. Max profit and max loss …
Bearish Put Spread Definition: A bearish put spread consists of simultaneously buying a put with more moneyness (higher strike price) while selling a put further out of the money (lower strike price). The net premium paid is the result of …
Covered Call Definition: A covered call consists of selling an out-of-the-money (OTM) or at-the-money (ATM) call option against a long stock position. Each call sold must be against 100 shares of stock you already own to be considered “covered”. Covered …