
Stock Symbol/Ticker Symbol – The combination of letters that represents the publicly traded company.

Stock – Part ownership in a public company.

Bond – A loan that is given out to companies/governments to collect interest on the principal loaned out.

ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) – A collection of stocks that are pooled and can be traded throughout the market day under a single ticker symbol (has management fees).

Mutual Fund – A pool of assets managed by a money manager for a fee that can be bought by individual investors.

Brokerage Firm – A company that allows you to trade in and out of positions and holds/tracks the positions you own in an account.

Margin – Borrowing money to invest.

Shorting – Borrowing shares from a broker to sell with hopes to buy back later at a lower price.

Long – A position that benefits from a stock going up.

Short – A position that benefits from a stock going down.

Bearish – An outlook that feels like the price of an asset or market will go down in value.

Bullish – An outlook that feels like the price of an asset or market will up down in value.

Portfolio – The collection of investments that an individual owns.

Bid – The price someone is willing to pay for a stock.

Ask – The price someone is willing to collect for selling a stock.

Bid/Ask Spread – The difference between the price people want to buy a stock for and what people want to sell the stock for.

Limit Order – A purchase or sale of a stock only at a specific price point.

Market Order – A purchase or sale of a stock as quickly as possible at the present value of the asset.

DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging) – Purchasing stock consistently to lower the cost basis of the position.

Volatility – How fast a stock goes up and down.

Liquidity – How quickly you can get in and out of a position (small bid/ask spread is better).

IPO (Initial Price Offering) – When a private company sells shares in the company and becomes a publicly traded stock.

Secondary Offering – When a public company raises cash by selling additional shares.

Beta – The relationship of an individual’s stock movement with the overall market.

Dividend – A cash payment from a stock to the shareholder.

Yield – This is the % return on investment for a dividend relative to the purchase price ($5 dividend on a $100 stock is a 5% yield).

Sector – A group of stocks that are in a similar business.